Our next song contest will end on the last day of Dia De Los Muertos, November 2nd. We are so proud to have partnered with Waves for this contest WAVES Plugins, whose superior audio plugins for mixing, mastering, and recording are a must have for anyone serious about creating a hit song .
Here’s what you get if your song makes it to the top of the charts by the end of the contest:
The contest winner will be announced on the Last Day of Dia De Los Muertos: November 2 on
Here’s how to enter:
- Upload your song on For this contest we are allowing up to three songs per artist.
- Enter the code WAVES under “Contest Code” on the first page of the upload screen.
- See the “
” icon on the left hand side of your song.
- The song at the top of the contest charts (this page) on November 2, 2012 wins!
This contest is over, and the winner is F-Bomb by Billy Schafer!
THE FINE PRINT. Contest ends at 8:00PM Pacific Standard Time on November 2, 2012. To be eligible, a song must have been uploaded between 8:00AM (PST) June 21, 2012 and 8:00 PM (PST) November 2, 2012, and be submitted with the Contest Code “WAVES”. Artists may upload up to three songs for this contest. If you upload more than three songs with the Contest Code “WAVES”, any song(s) uploaded after the first three will appear in the charts, but will not be recognized as part of the contest. In addition, any song uploaded for this contest cannot be a duplicate of an already existing song on By duplicate we mean that the song is a recognizable version of another song, regardless of the title. By entering the contest you consent to your Artist name and song title being promoted on the site if you win. The prizes will be sent to whomever’s song is at the top of the charts on this webpage, By “top of the charts” we mean ranked #1. Alternatively this means the winning song will be ranked the highest among contest entrants in the “All” category on the front page (excluding rank 0). We will contact the winner by email to arrange shipment. We will pay all shipping and US customs charges, however, for non-US prize-winners: you agree to pay any customs charges that your own government may assign during shipment. Contest prizes have been provided by manufacturers, with consent to be used in this contest. The partners and their immediate families are not eligible to win the prize. In addition, employees of WAVES are not eligible. Winners are determined by your votes and your votes only! May the best artist win.